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Women’s Summit 2022



In the worlds of business, politics and society, examples of groundbreaking women driving innovation, challenging the status quo and effecting positive change offer hope and inspiration to a whole generation of girls and young women everywhere.

But while such cases may be educational and inspiring, they are also few and far between. Many of the world’s most inspirational women are as recognisable for their rarity as they are for their achievement.

On November 16th Forbes Vietnam is pleased to present the Forbes Women’s Summit 2022, under the theme of “Women Rising”. This signature conference will assemble leading female change-makers and influencers from around the country and the wider region to share their personal stories and insights into how women can be the change they wish to see.

This half-day conference will also honor some of Vietnam’s most inspirational women, as recognised in Forbes Vietnam’s list of Inspirational Women 2021 and 20 Outstanding Female CEOs 2022.

Leading female change-makers and influencers from around the country and the region will share their personal stories and insights into how women can drive the change they wish to see.

Women’s Summit 2022

She Inspires

In this keynote address, a prominent female leader from the Asia Pacific region will share some of the key personal insights and learnings garnered on her journey towards and in leadership, as well as observations on female empowerment and the unique effectiveness of women leaders.

She Leads

What are the unique qualities and skills that women possess which allow them to be successful leaders in politics, business and society. How can these lessons help women everywhere become agents of change? Here, a prominent female leader will consider the unique attributes and advantages of successful women in leadership.

She Pioneers

A new generation of women entrepreneurs are launching startups and building new business ventures across a range of industries and sectors. In our third keynote speech, a noted female trailblaser will talk about her own journey as a woman entrepreneur, with its unique set of challenges and opportunities.

She Rises

In our discussion session an invited panel comprising some of Vietnam’s most outstanding and inspiring young women, will discuss what it takes to navigate the journey towards leadership and success; in business, in society, in life.

Empowerment, equality, security, opportunity, innovation, ambition, wellness, life-balance and community.


Leading female change-makers and influencers from around the country and the wider region to share their personal stories and insights into how women can be the change they wish to see.

 Closing remarks by
Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was born in the city of Hamilton, New Zealand, and grew up rurally.  She attended high school before graduating from the University of Waikato with a Bachelor of  Communication Studies in Politics and Public Relations.

Post-university, she worked as an advisor in the office of then-Prime Minister Helen Clark, in London  for the Government Cabinet Office and as an Assistant Director in the Department for Business and  Enterprise, and on a review of Policing in England and Wales.

The Prime Minister joined the New Zealand Labour Party at age 18 and entered New Zealand’s  Parliament in 2008. Over her twelve years as a representative she has been a strong advocate for  children, women, and the right of every New Zealander to have meaningful work.

She became the MP for the Auckland electorate Mt Albert in early 2017, and the Leader of the  Labour Party in August 2017. As well as Prime Minister, she holds the roles of Minister for National  Security and Intelligence, and Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, an issue particularly close to her  heart. She is also the Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services and Associate Minister for Arts,  Culture and Heritage.

Panel Discussion 1: She Leads: Lean in or lean out?

Phạm Thị Thu Diệp

Technology and Country Leader, IBM Vietnam

Priyamvada Srivastava

Country Manager & Vice President, Vietnam at Procter & Gamble

Phạm Thị Mỹ Liên

President, GSK Pharma Viet Nam Company Ltd

Dr. Josefine Wallat

German Consul General to Ho Chi Minh City

Nguyễn Chí Đức – Moderator

Commercial Director, Yokogawa Votiva Solutions

Special Interview and Livestream Q&A

Ms. Sangeeta Kaur (Teresa Mai)

2022 Grammy® winning Vietnamese-American Singer

Panel Discussion 2: She Values: Finding Your North Stars

Lê Huỳnh Phương Thục

CEO Guardian Việt Nam

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Hiệp

Scientist, lecturer, Dean of School of Biomedical Engineering, International University, Vietnam National University – HCM City

Lâm Túc Ngân


Mạch Thị Thùy Khanh

Pilot, Pacific Airlines (Member of Vietnam Airlines)

Nguyễn Ngọc Hà

Brand & Communications Director, GREENFEED Vietnam


Trần Thu Hà


Hà Lê


Agenda (tentative)

Women’s Summit 2022 under the theme of Women Rising which will assemble leading female change-makers and influencers from around the country and the region, to share their personal stories and insights into how women can drive the change they wish to see.

13:00 – 13:50
Welcome Guests
13:50 – 13:55
13:55 – 14:05
Opening speech by CEO
14:05 – 14:50
Panel Discussion 1: She Leads: Lean in or lean out?

Success often originates from breaking barriers, and achieving professional goals. Yet the global pandemic and its aftermath have made many women deeply torn between caregiving responsibilities and work. The pandemic has also pushed women’s participation in the labor force down to its lowest level in three decades and rebounding won’t be easy. While the larger culture in which a woman operates has an inevitable and direct effect on her ability to succeed, those who have broken the glass ceiling also have shown their resilience and grit.


What are the unique qualities that allow these leaders to succeed and how can these lessons be extended and co-opted by women everywhere to help them succeed in their work and their broader lives?


In this panel, speakers who are leading some of the largest corporations and impactful institutions will discuss leadership qualities, how to harness them, and apply them to make the world a better place.

14:50 – 15:10
Special Interview and Livestream Q&A: She Loves – Ms. Sangeeta Kaur (Teresa Mai) – 2022 Grammy® winning Vietnamese – American Singer
15:10 – 15:15
15:15 – 15:20
Honoring ceremony: 20 Vietnamese inspirational women 2021
15:20 – 15:35
She Drinks: Networking and Tea Break
15:35 – 16:20
Panel Discussion 2: She Values – Finding Your North Stars

Are there any values that lead and define the success of a woman? And if yes, are they different from the past? Is the concept of “lean in” or “having it all” still what a woman really wants now? How can a woman build her own value set that helps her to achieve her full potentials? Should women be “all in” to meet the expectations of society, and if not, what else? Women in different stages of life may value or prioritize different values, but what could be shared values?


This panel features pioneers from diverse backgrounds to share their perspectives of women’s values, the North Stars that they uphold to that have been contributing greatly in their journey to be high achievers.

16:20 – 16:30
16:30 – 16:35
Honoring ceremony: 20 Most outstanding female CEOs 2022
16:35 – 16:40
Introduction Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand Prime Minister
16:40 – 17:10
She Inspires: Closing remarks by New Zealand Prime Minister Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern

Over the past five years Prime Minister Ardern has illuminated the world stage with her authentic and transparent brand of leadership. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic her compassionate and empathetic leadership style as New Zealand’s head of the state won her the respect and admiration of countries across the globe.


Prime Minister Adern will reflect on her journey as a woman in leadership and consider what the world can do to secure gender-inclusive leadership in the future.

Thank you and Networking

Finger Food and Drinks

Ticket Information

35% OFF

Group 6-9 people

Valid: now – 16.11.2022
Sold out
30% OFF

Group 2-5 people

Valid: now – 16.11.2022
Sold out
30% OFF

Ticket & 1 year magazine

Valid: now – 16.11.2022
Sold out
30% OFF

Ticket & 2 year magazine

Valid: now – 16.11.2022
Sold out
30% OFF

Current Subscribers

Valid: now – 16.11.2022
Sold out

Single Ticket


Valid: now – 16.11.2022
Sold out


  • VAT is excluded from tickets.
  • Ticket & magazine packages: exclude VAT and delivery fee.
  • Limited seats

List of 20 outstanding female CEOs 2022


Nguyễn Ngô Vi Tâm

CEO Vĩnh Hoàn


Huỳnh Thị Xuân Liên

Chủ tịch công ty Thời trang CAO (CAF)


Nguyễn Phụng Trân

CEO Constantia Việt Nam

Nguyễn Bạch Điệp

Chủ tịch FPT Retail


Đặng Tuyết Dung

Giám đốc quốc gia Visa Việt Nam và Lào


Nguyễn Diệu Linh

Chủ tịch Vinhomes


Tôn Nữ Tường Vân

Trưởng bộ phận trải nghiệm khách hàng của Amazon khu vực châu Âu


Đặng Phạm Minh Loan

CEO CTCP Sữa Quốc tế


Lương Thị Lệ Thủy

Tổng giám đốc Cisco Việt Nam, Lào và Campuchia


Phan Tú Quyên

Giám đốc Vận hành và thành viên ban lãnh đạo, Microsoft Việt Nam


Nguyễn Đức Thạch Diễm

CEO Sacombank


Phạm Thị Thu Diệp

Tổng giám đốc kiêm giám đốc khối Công nghệ, IBM Việt Nam


Trần Thị Thanh Định

Phó chủ tịch Ericsson Việt Nam, Myanmar, Campuchia và Lào


Chu Thị Thanh Hà

Chủ tịch FPT Software


Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân

Chủ tịch Unilever Việt Nam


Lê Thị Lệ Hằng

Tổng giám đốc SSIAM


Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Bích

Giám đốc trải nghiệm khách hàng khu vực Thái Lan, Malaysia và Singapore, A.P Moller – Maersk

Lê Thị Thu Thủy

Tổng giám đốc VinFast toàn cầu

Nguyễn Minh Nguyệt

Giám đốc ngành hàng Milo và Sữa, Nestlé Việt Nam

List of 20 Inspirational Women 2021

Nguyễn Thụy Anh

Nhà giáo dục, sáng lập, chủ nhiệm Câu lạc bộ Đọc sách cùng con

Nguyễn Thị Kim Hòa

Nhà văn

Trần Thị Lệ

Sáng lập, tổng giám đốc – phó chủ tịch HĐQT Công ty cổ phần Thực phẩm dinh dưỡng Nutifood

Tô Thụy Diễm Quyên

Chuyên gia giáo dục, Nhà sáng lập, giám đốc điều hành InnEdu

Trần Thị Thủy Tiên

Đạo diễn, nhà sản xuất phim, diễn viên, công ty Studio68

Võ Ngọc Anh Thơ

Bác sĩ lâm sàng, phó khoa Bệnh nhiệt đới, bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Cúc

Tiến sĩ sử học

Văn Đinh Hồng Vũ

Đồng sáng lập, CEO ELSA

Đinh Hằng

Blogger du lịch, tác giả

Lê Cát Trọng Lý

Nhạc sĩ, ca sĩ

Trần Thị Kim Thia (bà Sáu Thia)

“Bà Sáu bơi lội”

Hoàng Nữ Ngọc Tim (Aline Rebeaud)

Sáng lập và giám đốc điều hành, tổ chức Nhà May Mắn

Nguyễn Linh Chi (Chi Nguyễn)

Vận động viên chạy bộ nghiệp dư

Nguyễn Thị Hiệp

Nhà khoa học, trưởng khoa Kỹ thuật Y sinh, Trường ĐH Quốc tế – ĐHQG TP.HCM

Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai

Nhà văn, nhà thơ, dịch giả

Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo

CEO, Hãng hàng không Vietjet

Ngô Thanh Vân

Đạo diễn, nhà sản xuất phim, diễn viên, công ty Studio68

Nguyễn Thị Hải

Vận động viên thể thao Para Games

Bùi Thị Minh Hồng

Nhà nghiên cứu về quản lý giáo dục, giám đốc Mạng lưới giáo dục EduNet, thuộc tổ chức Khoa học và Chuyên gia Việt Nam toàn cầu (AVSE Global)

Lê Thị Quỳnh Mai

Phó viện trưởng viện Vệ sinh dịch tễ Trung ương 2

Media Partner

Date & Location

16. 11. 2022

GEM Center, 8 Nguyen Binh Khiem, District 1, HCMC


For Sponsorship and Advertising:

093 399 0808

For Event Attendees:

0909 344 841